Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Math Learning Center event for September 16

IC Math Learning Center

Introductory workshop on Sunday September 16, 1:00-3:00 in Williams 303, Ithaca College (See #7 on www.ithaca.edu/map)

The Ithaca College Math Learning Center is sponsoring a community event with the purpose to discover ourselves and share with others the beauty of Math by teaching and learning. We will focus on learning how to learn and teach Math in a fun way that will have lasting effects.


Interact with local kids
Learn a computer language that helps teach Math intuitively
Join with a IC math tutor to help love math
Teach a prisoner math through letters
Develop your own love and (and feeling) for Math
Taking an active role in planning/directing program

The mission of the Math Learning Center at Ithaca College is to increase the appreciation and enjoyment of math through engaging learning experiences for students, teachers, and community members both inside and outside Ithaca College.

For more information EMail mlc@ithaca.edu

Friday, September 7, 2007

Introductory meeting

Suggested agenda

Introducing each other

Proposed Activities: Ideas: Help with Math events (like Maths days), Invite guest speakers, Organize Math events in the department (like picnics), Do Math out reach programs, Be invloved with the Math learning Center Activities

Election of officers (minimum President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer)

Mission statement
